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Community Outreach

During Fall 2017, is partnering with Royal Family Kids Camp
Royal Family Kids Camp (RFK) holds weeklong summer camp sesssions for foster care kids ages 7-11 who have experienced abuse or neglect. RFK, Inc. is a faith-based organization with over 200 camps across the country and internationally. RFK Miami will be launching August 2018. If you would like more information on how you or your church / organization can be involved you can Contact Ricky Muniz, Camp Director, at:
rmuniz "at sign"
or by cell at: (305) 793-9660.
South Miami Taekwondo is collecting boys & girls costumes & props in all sizes - kids to adult. These can be superheroes, dresses, masks, characters, etc. Donations can be deposited into the Bin in the lobby by the end of November.
Thanks for doing something that MATTERS!

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