P.A.C.E. Taekwondo

P.A.C.E. Taekwondo is one of many class offered at the P.A.C.E. Enrichment program and is currently taught by 7th dan Grandmaster Jeff Wade of South Miami Martial arts. For more information about P.A.C.E., visit PaceMiami.org.
For detailed information about uniforms, white belts, promotion tests, self-defense and other issues, YOU MAY DOWNLOAD THE SYLLABUS HERE.
You may communicate with Master Jeff and the main dojo by using the following form:
Testing is the last Saturday of every even month: February, April, June, August, October and December. In December, we most always move the testing date earlier because of Christmas. We occasionally reschedule other testings because of a holiday or special event. But the vast majority of the time, it's the last Saturday of every even month.Qualifying for testing happens the first and second of the three weeks before testing. On the second week of qualifying, P.A.C.E. students may attend dojo classes free of charge. So, just find the last Saturday of any testing month and put your finger on it. That's testing week. Now move your finger up one row - one week. THAT'S YOUR FREE WEEK! Usually, Master Jeff will pass out "Free Week" slips to remind you. If you have any doubts, just call him at 786-290-4603.
Please click around the rest of the website to learn more about the school and what we stand for. Be sure to check out the links for children and videos. The videos page is a great resource for home study, most notably all the forms you need for rank promotion.
As low as $79 per month!
While this program's content is the same as P.A.C.E. Taekwondo's, this is not a P.A.C.E. program. It is a South Miami Taekwondo summer program specifically geared for and exclusively offered to P.A.C.E. Taekwondo students.
These rates are for unlimited classes! We offer 18 classes each week (around 72 per month), and you're free to attend every single one. The retail price for membership at the dojo is regularly $199 per month - and worth every penny. So this is a huge discount, only for students enrolled in P.A.C.E. Taekwondo the preceding school year.
Dojo Summer Rates for P.A.C.E. students only:
- Month-to-Month: $99 per month
- Two Months: Save eight dollars for the summer when you pay IN ADVANCE for two months. (2 x $95 = $190).
- Three Months: Save thirty dollars for the summer when you pay IN ADVANCE for three months (3 x $89 = $267).
- Four Months: Save fifty-six dollars for the summer when you pay IN ADVANCE for four months (4 x $85 = $340).
- Full Summer: Save ONE. HUNDRED. BUCKS. for the summer when you pay IN ADVANCE for all five months (5 x $79 = $395).
That, my friends, is over an entire month free if you paid by the month. And remember, everyone else is paying $199 per month - plus a $100 annual registration that is waived for you.
You just can. not. beat. that. PRICE!
These rates are for summer only, and exclusively for P.A.C.E. Taekwondo students from the previous school year. Regular school-year dojo membership discounts are also available for P.A.C.E. students, ONLY if you are also enrolled at P.A.C.E. at the time. We can also work out custom deals based on the number of family members enrolled, prepaid months, etc. Please call the dojo (305-265-7404) or Master Jeff (786-290-4603) to structure a deal that's right for you.

Enroll In Summer Classes
(You will be directed to our secure credit card server for final checkout)