Package Deals
Package Deals
Package Deals are for anyone, members or new students. They are a great way to save tons of money - IF you're willing to commit. The advantage is, you can get your rate down to below half what you'd pay month to month. The disadvantage - or another advantage if you think about it - is 100% commitment.

Here's how it works:
- NO REFUNDS! We exchange more funding for dependability of funding. You exchange the option to change your mind for a fantastic rate. That means once you sign on for a package deal, YOU'RE IN! No refunds or prorates for any reason whatsoever, including but not limited to sickness, injury, or even (God forbid!) death.
- One package only: If you do one package, you're not eligible for any other until the first one runs out.
- Who's Eligible: Any student of SMTKD, although we don't recommend them for Lil' Dragons.
- What to Do: Simply purchase your package here, and your clock is ticking! You have 100%, full membership privaledges, and the expenses covered in your package are COVERED! Remember, at South Miami Martial Arts, it's UNLIMITED CLASSES! So if you miss some classes one month, make them up the next - or even cover them in previous months if you know a busy month is ahead.
Six Month Package: $790
- Six Months of unlimited classes. Starts any date and lasts until the same day of the month six months later.
($1,174.00 value) - One private class. To be arranged during your package time.
($100.00 value) - A uniform
$35.00 value) - A South Miami Taekwondo t-shirt
($16.00 value) - Total Package Value: $1,325.00
IMPORTANT: Again, due to the extreme discount of the one year package, there are absolutely, positively no refunds, full or prorated, for any reason whatsoever, including injury or even death (God forbid!). The advantage of the package is extreme discount. The disadvantage (or another advantage if you look at it that way ;) is 100% commitment.
One Year Package: $1190
- One year of unlimited classes. Starts any date and lasts until the same date the following year.
($2,248.00 value) - One private class. To be arranged during your package time.
($100.00 value) - A uniform
$35.00 value) - A South Miami Taekwondo t-shirt
($16.00 value) - Total Package Value: $2,399.00
IMPORTANT: Again, due to the extreme discount of the one year package, there are absolutely, positively no refunds, full or prorated, for any reason whatsoever, including injury or even death (God forbid!). The advantage of the package is extreme discount. The disadvantage (or another advantage if you look at it that way ;) is 100% commitment.
Black Belt Package: $3,499
- Unlimited classes until you reach the rank of 1st dan (degree) black belt. Starts any date and lasts until the same day of the month six months later.
($6,544.00 value *) - One private class per year. To be arranged during your package time.
($300.00 value *) - All testing fees through first dan black belt (Kukkiwon certification not included).
($650.00 value) - Annual Registration Fees, which includes a new uniform each year.
($300.00 value *) - A South Miami Taekwondo t-shirt
($16.00 value) - Total Package Value: $7,810.00 *
Package value: $7,810.00 *
Package price: $3,499.00
Savings: $4,311.00 *
* Remember, these figures are based on the minimum 3 years required to reach black belt. In all likelihood, it will take longer, usually 4 or 5 years, and thus be worth even more. However, the package pays for everything, regardless of how long it takes, until you reach black belt! That means you'll likely save even more than indicated by these calculations.
IMPORTANT: Again, due to the extreme discount of the one year package, there are absolutely, positively no refunds, full or prorated, for any reason whatsoever, including injury or even death (God forbid!). The advantage of the package is extreme discount. The disadvantage (or another advantage if you look at it that way ;) is 100% commitment.
Now, while some people may be able to simply pay the Black Belt package fee outright, most of us will have to figure out a way to finance it. Obviously, accruing credit card debt can be a bad thing - but only if you fail to maintain control of it. If you figure out a plan, and STICK TO YOUR PLAN, then the amount you save on this package is so much that, even with interest, your savings will be astronomical. Our suggestion is to either decide on and set a monthly payment, just as if you were paying tuition, and then pay the necessary number of months - or set the number of months and pay the resulting monthly figure. To help you out with this, we've run some figures that take into account time and interest. For the set rates, we use the usual monthly tuition of $149. For the set time, we used three years, the minimum time it takes to earn a black belt.
In order to pay off the $2,899.00 package on a credit card, here are the figures with varying interest rates and time spans - complete with what you'd pay in interest - and how much you'd still save:
Int Rate | Pmnt | Mnths | Int | Total w/ Int | You Still Save |
18% | $149.00 | 24 | $677.00 | $3,576.00 | $3,160.00 * |
18% | $104.81 | 36 | $874.16 | $3,773.16 | $2,962.84 * |
30% | $149.00 | 27 | $1,124.00 | $4,023.00 | $2,713.00 * |
30% | $123.07 | 36 | $1,531.52 | $4,430.52 | $2,305.48 * |

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