Testing Information

- Why: Belt testing is not about belts and boards. Its about recognizing dedication and hard work. Testing is a lot of pressure, and it's designed that way. It's an opportunity for each student to get to know their "duress" self - which is no better or worse than our normal selves, just different. Controlling that adrenal response and responding to pressure is key in self defense - and in life.
- Where: South Miami Taekwondo Main Dojo at 4542-B SW 75th Ave, 33155. All students from all our schools gather on testing day to meet new beginners and to connect with one another so that we're all on the same page during class. It's like a family reunion!
- When: Tests are always the last Saturday of every even month (Feb, Apr, Jun, Aug, Oct, Dec). Only those who qualify may test. You will know you qualified if you receive a yellow "Testing Slip" in class. Tests always begin at 10:00 a.m. sharp. Tardiness will forfeit promotion and testing fee. The schedule varies greatly, and notice is sent via email on the Thursday night before testing with the final, official schedule. Usually, color belts are in the morning section - 10-1. Red and black belts test all day, both sections. Lunch is always from 1 pm to 3 pm.
- Fees: Testing is $50 for the regular, scheduled testing day, paid on time. If you pay later than midnight, Thursday night before testing, it's $60. All make up tests are $60, regardless of the reason or day / time.
- TESTS ARE NOT OPTIONAL! Testing and promotion are part of the training process. It also makes sure that students of certain skill levels are designated by the appropriate belt. If you progress to a certain level, you must test. If a student does not show up for a test, they must do a makeup test in class. Makeup tests are always harder, absent of the benefit of experiencing the formal test, and cost $10 more. Obviously, we encourage attendance of formal tests. Parents often see testing as a “fun event” which they can use as a leverage device for disciplining their kids. It is not. Obviously, it is a parent’s own business whether or not to allow their child to continue in the program. But continuing in the program requires that students test when assigned to do so.
- How often may I test? Opportunities to qualify for yellow through purple happen every two months. Purple to Blue requires one "serving" test where the student attends the test (free of charge) and "serves." Testing from blue to red and all levels of red belt tests require two serving tests. Serving entails simply helping out with the test. This could mean sparring others who are testing so that at least one of the partners is less anxious, and can somewhat control the match. Servers may also hold boards, sweep floors, direct traffic, etc. The most important point of serving is to learn and practice benevolence and responsibility, and to take ownership in the dojo and in the testing procedure. Assisting in Lil' Dragons class is an acceptable substitute for serving. 3 hours = one serving stripe. So one section of testing = 3 Lil' Dragons classes.
- How long to Black Belt? Black belt testing requires a minimum of 3 years of hard practice - and of course instructor approval. However, it usually takes around 5 years. For the degrees of black belt, the student must serve a manditory period of the number of years of their current degree: A first degree must train / serve one year to test for second. A second dan must train two years before testing for third, and so on.
- Parking Please do not block bay doors or take the last space in front of any business in case someone comes in to work on Saturday. Along the street next to the big lot north us the dojo is also fine. There are "No Parking" signs, but they are left over from a previous business, and may be ignored. NEVER park in the lot across the street! They will tow, they've done it before!
- Black Belt Testing: Black belt testing is a different process. Qualification happens the month BEFORE testing month. There are instructions on the yellow slip including how to register and pay for testing. That means providing your own breaking boards, preparing a sensible gift for instructors and family members, etc.
EVERYTHING MUST BE COMPLETED BY THE FIRST DAY OF TESTING MONTH! For more information, click the link below. You'll need a username and password to get in, which can be provided by your instructor or the front desk. - APPLY FOR BLACK BELT

(You will be directed to our secure credit card server for final checkout)
(Aikido Testing Click Here)
(Aikido Testing Click Here)